

Royal Stewart Ltd. offer’s a complete line of scoreboards to meet your specific scoring needs. So whether you need a scoreboard for basketball, volleyball, football, wrestling, track, hockey, baseball, soccer, swimming, or multi-sport, RSL can deliver. Partnering with some of the most trusted names in the business, we will help you plan your project properly, so you can introduce your new piece of equipment with confidence.

We believe in teamwork and collaboration. That’s why we offer custom design options, allowing you to tailor your scoreboard to your exact specifications. Want a specific colour, finish, or branding on your scoreboard? No problem! We’ll work with you to create a design that’s as distinctive as your team’s winning strategy.


Trust us to deliver scoreboards that are not just state-of-the-art, but as dynamic and exciting as the games they score. Together, we’ll keep the score ticking and the fans cheering. Game on!

Let's chat about your project needs. We can help you determine the best options and features.
